Welcome To Jumpstart

2011 is here! It’s a new beginning. A fresh start. The reality is, most of us have already made our New Year’s resolutions. We’re going to lose more weight; make more money; buy a gym membership; spend more time with my kids; etc. etc. etc. etc.

While today is a good day — a fresh start — it’s full of a lot of empty commitments built on the wrong foundation. That’s where JUMPSTART comes into play.

You and I want this year to be different. We want real change in our lives. But we need to have a paradigm shift from our typical “resolutions” to something grounded on a commitment that has eternal impact. This year, think about a renewed walk with God. Think about embracing some serious spiritual shock treatment. Think about a “jumpstart”.

Some of the most godly and successful men and women in the Bible started their day with God. It wasn’t an afterthought. It was an essential, non-negotiable in their day. Beginning your day with the Lord means getting your marching orders. It means setting HIS will and HIS plans before YOUR will and YOUR plans. You’ll find that this habit will give you the “jumpstart” — the jolt of energy and strength — you’ve always desired.

Plus, we’re doing this together as a church. Everyday, there will be a passage of scripture to read and a brief commentary from a CPC staff member. Obviously, scripture is the most important aspect. But the commentary will help give some summary thoughts and a “jumpstart” challenge for each day.

If you’ll decide to join us on this journey through the scriptures, stop right now and pray this along with us with an open heart and a renewed desire to be molded by God.

Lord Jesus,

Thank you for today. Thank you for life. Thank you for breath. My heart’s desire this year is to begin each day with a fresh focus on you. By your power and through your spirit, I want to pursue you and experience your presence in my life. I pray that you would give my life the “Jumpstart” that you know it needs.

I lay 2011 at your feet.

Posted by: Todd Thomas