November 24, 2020

Today you should read: Zephaniah 1

Today we start the book of Zephaniah, a prophetic word and judgment on the remnant of Judah after the rest of Israel was in exile. As Josiah was trying to reform Jerusalem to start practicing former laws and sacrifices in their worship to the One, True God there’s great judgment and warning for God’s remaining people for ignoring His Word. One phrase that sticks out in this book in comparison to other books of the Bible, is the repeated used of “For the day of the Lord” first seen in v. 7 but again repeated throughout the book. This phrase is used to show how God was soon going to punish or bless and that His people need to respond hastily. Of course, we know that God shows Himself as good in both the wrath and the grace that follows with the day of the Lord and it’s a reminder for urgent responses from us when God is speaking, convicting, and sending us.

By: Erik Koliser — West Campus Pastor

God is honored when we intentionally seek Him in prayer. As a church, we want dependent prayer to be something that marks us. Use the comment section to post prayer requests and experiences of how God has answered prayer and/or changed you through prayer! If you would like to be enrolled to get weekly prayer reminders, text @cpclex to 81010.

Author: Center Point Church

A multi-campus church in central Kentucky. Our mission is to take everyone we meet one step closer to becoming a true disciple of Jesus Christ.

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